Ok, so for this assignment, after listening to all of the different audio files, the first thing I thought of, and likely most simple was to do a day-in-the-life type of song/ambiance. With there being so many sounds from other people’s days, this would be thought to be the easiest and most simple, but I didn’t want it to be so flat and “generic” I guess. This being said, I wanted to add more sounds but I didn’t want to record more sounds from life.
When I’m hanging out with my friends, we tend to get into random discussions most of the time erupt into strings of laughter from things that are less than comprehensible. So, when this happens, I’m usually the one recording the moment. I have many recordings but I wanted to make it to where the everyday sounds would build up to the eventually seeing my friends and the atmosphere wouldn’t exactly be calm anymore, but lighthearted and maybe even something to look forward to. Nothing too chaotic but chill and casual all while having some energy in contrast from driving to class and doing school all day.
I have never worked with Audition before so all of this was new to me. Some of the sounds I had to be more creative with and add more effects to them to create a different feel. I honestly didn’t know what I was doing with this or how to get the sounds that I was going for, it was a lot of trial and error, to be honest. Overall I think this turned out decent for my first audio project, but I feel like there was definitely more that could’ve been done with it.