My theme for this project (when I first had the idea) was 'Because I Couldn't Read' I felt like this was a little too complicated and settled on 'I Learned Because of You'. The story of this zine is that I got into my favorite video game series because I struggled to read when I was younger. Through playing this video game not only did I achieve better reading and comprehension skills, but I also gained a love for this video game and joined my first fandom. Throughout this zine, I included multiple sticky notes to symbolize how I would immerse myself and 'Link' with the game and how connected to it I became. It starts off with me starting the game and learning how to read, but then 'falling down the rabbit hole' and then 'having my head in the clouds' with how much this game took over my life (lol). Later, I started making fan art and was motivated to improve my art skills all the while looking forward to the next released game. I consider this story important to me because I believe video games shaped who I am.
I think I gained more appreciation for PhotoShop (before I disliked it because I’m used to ClipStudioPaint) but through practice with this project, I was able to get more of a handle on it and even began having fun with it. However, I still struggled with Illustrator. I feel like I could’ve done more, but some of the basics took me longer to get a handle on. If I could change one thing about this project I would say I would've given myself a little bit more time for brainstorming. Some of my images weren’t as thought out as they could’ve been and I was forced to go with my first idea because of time.
